Bio-Kürbiskernöl 0,25 l

This pumpkin seed oil is made from pumpkin seeds from our organic and ecological cultivation. The pumpkin seeds are processed into the finest pumpkin seeds by the also certified organic Schalk Mühle from Ilz in Styria. Like us, Schalk is also a traditional family business that values ​​high-quality products with a clearly regional character and a way of working that is close to nature. Only with partner companies of the same conviction can you harvest high-quality products for stylish enjoyment.


Includes 10% MwSt. AT
Delivery Time: immediately available
Additional costs (e.g. for customs or taxes) may occur when shipping to non-EU countries.



Pumpkin seed oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D and E as well as trace elements. In addition, the fat in pumpkin seeds is one of the most valuable vegetable fats, as 80% is unsaturated and 50% is even polyunsaturated fatty acids.


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